Beware of @ZBD! Your NSEC is… Beware of @ZBD! Your NSEC is in danger. The very idea of #Nostr is in danger. Don't give the ownership of your nsec to a client.…
Beware of @ZBD! Your NSEC is… Beware of @ZBD! Your NSEC is in danger. The very idea of #Nostr is in danger. Don't give the ownership of your nsec to a client.…
Beware of @ZBD! Your NSEC is… Beware of @ZBD! Your NSEC is in danger. The very idea of #Nostr is in danger. Don't give the ownership of your nsec to a client.…
I'm sorry I unfollowed @Brianna… I'm sorry I unfollowed @Brianna HD. And beware of the @ZBD client. Your nsec is in danger their. Your nsec is what you are on #Nostr. Is you lose it you are lost. nostr:nevent1qqs8fsv54t4khkuqpuknprsq76ydu7z0gaz3awf3hp9prmlwprh8mxspzamhxue69uhhyetvv9ujumn0wd68ytnzv9hxgtczyqlhwrt96wnkf2w9edgr4cfruchvwkv26q6asdhz4qg08pm6w3djgqcyqqqqqqgqtr7tx…
I get the general truth. Thanks… I get the general truth. Thanks for that. But I guess I'm missing something. Anything wrong happened somewhere on #Nostr? Please help me so I learn about it and secure my nsec.…
Thank you @ثعبان. I have changed… Thank you @ثعبان. I have changed my profile info to include Nostr address.…
Hina Masha Amini. #Iran.… Hina Masha Amini. #Iran. Women, Life, Freedom. Down with Iranian #totalitarianism.…
Though I was born in 1968,… Though I was born in 1968, @roya ୨୧ basically speaks my mind. I joined #Facebook in 2008. Never stayed there without breaks. In a growing totalitarian state like #Bangladesh, speaking openly on Facebook is risky and radical. So I stayed there though with frequent breaks. But Facebook is a shameless self…
Make private and secure stuff easy.… Make private and secure stuff easy. It's already becoming ready gradually.…