Old Profile Photo on Amethyst Old Profile Photo on Amethyst Hello @Vitor Pamplona, all on a sudden, #Amethyst is showing my old profile pic. What's going on there. Thanks for your extremely awesome app.…
Thanks to @brugeman, @Karnage and Team… Thanks to @brugeman, @Karnage and Team Nostr.Band 🫡 that I just created my own #Nostr Website in minutes. It's smart and super slick. Unbelievable! It is here: It's easy, editable, magical. QUESTIONS: Does it support long form articles? The name of my website doesn't
Here is the Assange Plea Agreement… Here is the Assange Plea Agreement in full PDF. Go study it. And stop nonsensical speculations. I downloaded it from Document Cloud and archived here: Thanks to a report by Mohamed Elmaazi and Kevin Gosztola on The Dissenter: .…
. . Logging in with your previous key?! Oh no, I thought it's not 2022. Please arrange with nsec.app dear @Moss. I downloaded and installed but backed off from entering @Freerse! Then uninstalled it. Sorry.…
Not an easy, regular documentary. This… Not an easy, regular documentary. This is an extremely powerful docu-feature film on #Assange and #Wikileaks. It will strongly move you towards journalism against war. It will make you understand how i impactful Wikileaks has been in it's journalism through leaks. Thanks to the directors and DW.
Hello American friends! Please vote for… Hello American friends! Please vote for this awesome, learned human names Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. in the coming presidential election. It's urgent. What a wonderful man. If you can save America, the whole universe is saved.…
Oh my God, Stella is already… Oh my God, Stella is already active here these days! Damn me, I've been missing her on #Nostr. What a moment! Happy birthday, Julian! I'm waiting for #Assange to regain his body, mind and soul to capture once again his full Self and then speak out.
Age verification systems are surveillance systems.… Age verification systems are surveillance systems. Mandatory age verification, and with it, mandatory identity verification, is the wrong approach to protecting young people online. It would force websites to require visitors to prove their age by submitting information such as government-issued identification. This scheme would lead us further towards…