@jack Dorsey

jack Dorsey
Tech and Freedom

(Fragment 2 of the full transcript being prepared by me.)

The next one is speech. So, today it's a lot easier to speak freely, and you have tools to do so. But you're still going to a site, to an app, you're putting your name, and your email address, your phone number. They're checking this information. They grant you permission. They grant you a slice of their platform for you to express yourself. If you're trying to get your message out to the world, you go through media, you have to get permission from the media whether that be a journalist, or a reporter, or a time on the channel which is paid for by their advertisers.

So, just to speak and even to speak point to point, peer to peer through iMessage, or Whatsapp, or signal, in many cases these accounts can be shut down if you don't do the right thing, if you don't follow policy. And you could be the best actor in the world in terms of following all the rules and following all the policies, and these systems may make a mistake and shut down your account making you have to go to the company or go to the service and ask for permission to get your account back. [00:03:50]

Intelligence is one that's on the horizon now. Long time ago, intelligence was kept in the Church, before the printing press, in order to get to the intelligence. And what I mean by intelligence is not the intelligence of your self but true intelligence which is from a network from a group of people from a community from society all coming together to advance Humanity. In order for you to read the scripture for instance, or to read the latest science, you had to get permission from these institutions. And the printing press opened that up. The institutions fought heavily against that for hundreds of years. The internet has opened that up even more.

But now this is all about to change because of AI. AI has the ability to look at all the written intelligence that we've ever put forth in humanity ― all the images, all the video, all the media ― and bring it together in an aggregation and understand it in a way that you as an individual would never be able to understand, but a company who is putting these things together can understand. So, this ― right here ― is a picture of a drawing of a neuron, and there's millions, if not billions, of these in your brain. And individually they do nothing but taken together they have created every single thing that you're aware of, every single thing that you can think of in the future, everything you can dream of. And all of these systems, all these permissions, are based on networks of these very very simple cells. [00:05:32]
