This was the sweet night, the…

This was the sweet night, the Christmas night, a year ago when I wrote my first post on #Nostr. It was Edward Snowden and jack on Twitter who drew my attention to #Nostr. (Now I don't interact on Twitter anymore.)

I remember I heard Nostr to be a "blockchain based" network (which was wrong). 😛 Out of thin imagination, I explained to myself that it's censorship-resistant only because it's blockchain-based. 😁😀

I registered on #Amethyst before #Christmas but I had no idea about "relays" etc. So nothing showed up on my personal feed. I was greatly confused. Then desperately I posted my first post seeking help. Nobody replied. Nobody. 😢🤐

I was not hopeless.

I smelt freedom in the air (and such a freedom-fucker I am), so I stayed there totally alone with a blank feed, having no connection to anybody for four months. Then in April my fellow #pleb 🎨 responded to my Christmas post. I feel so grateful to this artist. 💜❤️💛

I feel so happy that #nostr exists. After traveling uncertainty through #Diaspora, #Minds, #Mastodon and various other apps in #Fediverse, I have reached #Nostr in quest of freedom. I love freedom of thoughts and expressions as it is practiced in #Nostrverse.

Freedom is unconditional. Freedom can be attained only through freedom. And I am the limit of my freedom— only me.

I feel grateful to fiatjaf and other wonderful devs for making Nostr so live, so colorful, so innovative. What a year, what a roller coaster ride for me. Cities after cities are being built in a damn desert before my eyes— what a joy to watch and explore. I love ODELL, ثعبان, PABLOF7z, Derek Ross, derGigi ⚡🧡 and so many other devs so much.

Merry Christmas, dear fellow #Nostriches! 💜🌿🌸🌿💜

Pura Vida! 🫂
