EU Offered X Secret Censorship Deal…

EU Offered X Secret Censorship Deal…

# EU Offered X Secret Censorship Deal To Avoid Fines For 'Deceptive Dark Patterns', Musk Says
Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden
Sunday, Jul 14, 2024
12:35 AM

Musk alleged in a post on X that the EU commission had offered him a secret deal if they quietly censored speech (al la Twitter 1.0).

"The European Commission offered 𝕏 an illegal secret deal: if we quietly censored speech without telling anyone, they would not fine us.

"The other platforms accepted that deal.

"𝕏 did not."

Mike Benz, a former Trump administration official, highlighted this to suggest the EU’s real motivation is to “use the DSA to force X to restaff the censorship squad fired when Elon took over.”

He further alleged that people who present themselves as researchers are actually “censorship activities & political operatives.”

Musk reposted Benz’s analysis with just one word of comment:
