Have you set up Self-Destruct…

Have you set up Self-Destruct…

Have you set up Self-Destruct Passcode in Simplex Chat app? To me, that's the killer feature.

You may need it "when asked to enter the app passcode under duress, to be able to enter a special self-destruct code that would remove the app data."


[1] Go to app Settings > Privacy & security > SimpleX Lock.

[2] Switch lock mode to Passcode and, if necessary, enable lock — Self-destruct Passcode will become available.

[3] Enable it, enter the main passcode and then enter and confirm self-destruct passcode.

[4] Optionally, you can set the new display name of the profile that will be created after the data was wiped. If it is left blank, a new empty profile will have a random name.

WARNING: Dont just dive in to test it without having all your database backed up — everything will wither away for ever!
